Feels like home

At LABEL51, service is of paramount importance, so customers are treated very well. With us you feel like home.

Our goal is to make our customers happy and help them as much as possible. So is there something wrong with your product or do you have another service related question? Please contact our customer service for a suitable solution!

LABEL51 can be reached by phone on weekdays from 08.30 am to 17.00 pm at +31(0)318-479837. In addition, you can always send an email to or you can contact us via the contact page on our website!

The reviews posted on our site are collected by Kiyoh and checked for authenticity. All reviews collected come from someone who has made a purchase from us. If this is not the case, for example because products or services were provided for free or there was a paid collaboration, this is clearly shown in the review. We make every effort to prevent fake reviews by checking whether this person is known to us and request proof of purchase if we do not know the reviewer. Fake reviews are removed by us. More information can be found on the review page of Kiyoh.